Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson

Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson


Drawings and recipes by Felix Dahlström Persson


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Artist Felix Dahlström Persson’s Thermos zine is a collection of pencil drawings and tasty trail-tested recipes that you can smoosh into your thermos before setting off on a hike, including instructions for campsite steamed cod on herbs, cheesy peppery polenta, Porro e Pepe, fennel with hazelnuts, appearances of lascivious leek and surprisingly coquettish cauliflower, halloumi with cornichons, ajvar & co., flapjacks, pizza in parts, and the ambrosial Thermos Spritz. And all related in Felix’s mellow voice: “Start by boiling pasta like you used to do,” and, with generosity, “if it looks like it needs it, add more butter.”

From Felix’s introduction:

“For many years, I had this idea to make a cookbook. The thought was a simple one—recipes based on the food you eat when camping—that for some reason was hard for me to pin down. At last, I took the time and received the encouragement to do it, ventilating the idea while setting up camp next to a series of lakes in Norway’s Nordmarka region.

“I am interested in finding various ways to use the equipment one usually packs when setting off on an overnight hike. In the pages of this trail-tested pamphlet, the humble thermos has been placed in the spotlight. Giving it more attention has allowed me to look at what the possibilities can be for the trusty vessel.”


Edition of 1,000
24 pages, 14×20 cm, b&w offset, stapled
Printed on Arctic Munken Print Cream 115
Designed by Damian Nowak
ISBN 978-83-68165-00-5

Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson Image 2 Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson Image 3 Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson Image 4 Thermos by Felix Dahlström Persson Image 5